We are such big girls at 14 months. We are both walking (though we would rather crawl) and talking up a storm. Some of the words we say often are "baby", "ball", "bye-bye", "hi", "uh-oh", "dog", "mama" and "dada" - Sadie can also say "night night" and Hollis also says "bow". One of our favorite things to do is to point at each other (and any other small person for that matter) and say "baby".
Sadie has a mouth full of teeth with her 9th one coming in right now...Hollis is working on number 4 and 5. We are very well rounded and go to gym class and music class. We love music class and in our gym class we really just like bouncing on the trampoline.

We both love "Wheels on the Bus" - Sadie is demonstrating "round and round"...
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